GIANTS IN KNOWLEDGE The Nephilim also were giants in knowledge. According to the Book of Enoch, God was incensed against the fallen angels partly because they disclosed certain classified information to humans. The ancient world associated demons with special esoteric knowledge and with superior intelligence. The word "demon" in Greek (daimon) comes from the root meaning "knowledge" or "intelligence." The Scriptures also testify to the fact that demons have access to knowledge and inform...
Mysterious Origins of Crop Plants Alien Gardens By Will Hart Today modern plant geneticists are performing what would have been deemed impossible -- a century ago -- by creating new, hybrid plants that have never existed before in nature. As incredible as it may seem, a new type of corn (Btcorn), actually the combination of a bacteria and normal corn is already in the fields. Why was a bacteria injected into the genes of corn? Because Bacillus thuringiensis helps the new hybrid ‘plan...
Mongol history and chronology from ancient times by Per Inge Oestmoen If we are to follow the tracks through Mongol history, we will find ourselves along an exciting path into the ancient Siberian and Inner Asian world. Now meditate on Siberia, the Taiga, Tundra, the Bajkal sea, the steppe region to the east of Bajkal. The Siberian and inner Asian plain is endless. It is night. Cold, dark. This is the homeland of The Mongols. What do you feel, what do you see? Let us then go ahead a...
Rig Veda Riddles In Nomad Perspective Dr. Bjorn Merker Ph.D. Dr. Bjorn Merker of Sweden took his Ph.D. in Brain Sciences from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, and continued his advanced research at the University of California, Los Angeles. In his youth he travelled extensively in Asia and developed a keen interest in the Oriental Philosophies. During 1964-65 he spent 18 months in India and at that time stayed for 6 months at the Atheist Centre. This article was origi...
"An Introduction to Linguistic archaeology for Ireland." (original by E. Nyland) The Ogham Alphabet... It is suggested that Ogham came to Ireland from North Africa with the first Gnostic missionaries who preached the early Irish Christianity. These people believed in magic , just like the pre-Chistian inhabitants did. This took the shape of numerical wizardry with letters . It is not known if the original Ogham had an organized alphabet but it is likely. The Gnostic missio...
Svyatogor Titanic hero-warrior (bogatyr') in Russian mythology and folklore. A giant living in the Holy Mountains after which he is named (sviato- coming from the Slavic root for "holy" or "sacred," gor meaning "mountain"), he and his mighty steed are so large that, when they ride forth, the crest of his helmet sweeps away the clouds. Svyatogor is the eldest of Russia's bogatyri, and in many ways he is the saddest. His days of glory are long behind him, and he is depicted in most epic po...
"Of Prometheus, how undaunted On Olympus' shining bastions His audacious foot he planted, Myths are told and songs are chanted, Full of promptings and suggestions. " Beautiful is the tradition Of that flight through heavenly portals, The old classic superstition Of the theft and the transmission Of the fire of the Immortals ." THE SECRET HISTORY OF THE MONGOLS AND WESTERN LITERATURE Sino-Platonic Papers #135, May, 2004 John J. Emerson (Somewhat revised Dec. 2, 2004) ...
Somebody who only reads newspapers and at best books of contemporary authors looks to me like an extremely near-sighted person who scorns eyeglasses. He is completely dependent on the prejudices and fashions of his times, since he never gets to see or hear anything else . And what a person thinks on his own without being stimulated by the thoughts and experiences of other people is even in the best case rather paltry and monotonous . There are only a few enlightened people with a lucid min...
"Each year the World Economic Forum convenes in Davos, Switzerland. Over 1,000 CEO's, prime ministers, finance ministers, and leading academics gather in February to attend meetings and set economic agendas for the year ahead. What if a small group of these world leaders were to conclude that the principle risk to the earth comes from the actions of the rich countries? ...In order to save the planet, the group decides: Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations ...
DEVELOPMENT OF YIDDISH OVER THE AGES The creation of the Yiddish language about ten centuries ago was a unique occurence in Jewish culture and in world culture as well, with but few parallels elsewhere. The ultimate impact on Jews and Jewish life in Eastern Europe and all over the world was critical to Jewish life and development. Perhaps the most important impact was inherent in the language itself: its warmth, its sweetness, its ease of use, its complementary relation to Hebrew, its...
AN INTRODUCTION TO THE HISTORY OF KHAZARIA by Kevin Alan Brook "Of all the astonishing experiences of the widely dispersed Jewish people none was more extraordinary than that concerning the Khazars." - Nathan Ausubel, in Pictorial History of the Jewish People (1953) "The Khazar people were an unusual phenomenon for Medieval times. Surrounded by savage and nomadic tribes, they had all the advantages of the developed countries: structured government, vast and prosperous trading, and ...
Phoenician Alphabet, Mother of Modern Writing According to the Egyptians language is attributed to Taautos who was the father of tautology or imitation. He invented the first written characters two thousand years BC or earlier. Taautos came from Byblos, Phoenicia, that shows a continuous cultural tradition going back as far as 8,000 B.C. Taautos played his flute to the chief deity of Byblos who was a moon-goddess Ba'alat Nikkal. Note: Taautos was called Thoth by the Greeks and the...
THE MONGOLS Mongol historiy is a topic widely touched upon, and a good source will be "Mongolia - A Country Study" linked at authored by Robert L. Worden and Andrea Matles Savada, eds. Washington, DC: Federal Research Division of the Library of Congress, 1989. An excerpt could be seen at Most of the studies concentrated on Mongolians at the time of Chinggis Khan (Jenghiz Khan or Genghis Khan) and his trans...
Hyping Terror For Fun, Profit - And Power For those who prefer to read things online, an unofficial but complete transcript is here: What if there really was no need for much - or even most - of the Cold War? What if, in fact, the Cold War had been kept alive for two decades based on phony WMD threats? What if, similarly, the War On Terror was largely a scam, and the administration was hyping it to seem larger-than-life? What if ...
DNA analysis on Native Americans Modern Genetic Research Confirming Cayce’s Story. This section adapted from Mound Builders: Edgar Cayce's Forgotten Record of Ancient America by Gregory L. Little (August 2001). DNA analysis on Native Americans began in the 1980s, but with rapid technological improvements. research intensified in the early 1970s. Several teams of genetics researchers at prominent American universities have been conducting numerous studies. Although results from early s...