"...I know that it was inevitable that Rome become what she is. Republics decay into democracies, and democracies degenerate into dictatorships. That fact is immutable. When there is equality - and democracies always bring equality - the people become faceless, they lose power and initiative, they lose pride and independence, they lose their splendor. Republics are masculine, and so they beget the sciences and the arts; they are prideful, heroic and virile. They emphasize God, and glorify...
The All-Seeing Eye, The President, The Secretary and The Guru “Wallace's reasons for wanting to introduce the Great Seal onto the American currency were based on his belief that America was reaching a turning point in her history and that great spiritual changes were imminent. He believed that the 1930s represented a time when a great spiritual awakening was going to take place which would precede the creation of the one-world state.” - Michael Howard, The Occult Conspiracy, p.95
Synarchism: The Fascist Roots Of the Wolfowitz Cabal by Jeffrey Steinberg May 30 , 2003 In 1922, Count Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi launched the Pan European Union, at a founding convention in Vienna, attended by more than 6,000 delegates. Railing against the "Bolshevist menace" in Russia, the Venetian Count called for the dissolution of all the nation-states of Western Europe and the erection of a single, European feudal state, modeled on the Roman and Napoleonic empires. "There are Eu...
There came into the world a blue-gray wolf whose destiny was Heaven’s will. His wife was a fallow deer. They travelled across the inland sea and when they were camped near the source of the Onon River in sight of Mount Burkhan Khaldun their first son was born, named Batachikan. The seventh generation after Batachikan was Kharchu. Kharchu’s son was named Borjigidai the Clever, and Mongoljin the Fair was his wife. Their grandsons were the two brothers, Duua the one-eyed and Dobun ...
The making of the terror myth Since September 11 Britain has been warned of the 'inevitability' of catastrophic terrorist attack. But has the danger been exaggerated? A major new TV documentary claims that the perceived threat is a politically driven fantasy - and al-Qaida a dark illusion. Andy Beckett reports Friday October 15, 2004 The Guardian Since the attacks on the United States in September 2001, there have been more than a thousand references in British national newspa...
In the present essay we shall deal with a very common symbol, the struggle between the Eagle and the Snake. Fights between eagles and snakes have actually been observed, and it is easy to understand that the sight of such a struggle must have made an indelible impression upon human imagination in its infancy. The most powerful of birds was fighting the most dangerous of reptiles. The greatness of the combat gave the event an almost cosmic significance. Ever since, when man has tried to expre...
“In the land of the blind, the one-eyed Cyclops rules the land.” Communist Discipline [Chapter 13 of Masters of Deceit, The Story of Communism in America and How to Fight It, Henry Holt and Company, New York, 1958] In communist eyes the processes of education, the press, and "culture," which we considered in the last chapter, are not enough for molding the revolutionary. Important as they are, they must be supplemented by communist discipline, a discipline that enforces uniformi...
Demand Letter Sent To Bush By Corp CEO From Karl W. B. Schwarz President, Chief Executive Officer Patmos Nanotechnologies, LLC 10-13-4 By Email, By Facsimile to White House Mr. President, I am a Conservative Christian Republican that has no intentions of voting for you in this year's election and many other Conservative Republicans are following me. America demands the TRUTH and not after the elections; this nation demands the truth from you RIGHT NOW! This letter and...
By discussing and controverting, but always superficially, without touching the essence of the matter, our organs will carry on a sham fight... Methods of organization like these, imperceptible to the public eye but absolutely sure, are the best calculated to succeed in bringing the attention and the confidence of the public to the side of our government. Thanks to such methods we shall be in a position as from time to time may be required to excite or to tranquilize the public mind on po...
Telegeodynamics by Jason Jeffrey EARTHQUAKES: Natural or Man-Made? But afterwards there occurred violent earthquakes and floods; and in a single day and night of misfortune all your warlike men in a body sank into the earth, and the island of Atlantis in like manner disappeared in the depths of the sea. - Plato in Timaeus Two devastating earthquakes in the month of September 1999 again focused the world's attention on one of nature's most terrifying and destructive forces....
Industrialisation: History's Revenge in the Age of Globalization Similar to the examples of South Asia, also the Japanese tried to reinvent a distorted idea of a Christian Europe by turning Shinto into a politicized church, yes even the ‘Tomb of Jesus Christ’, like in Kashmir during the same period was discovered in Japan. Religious discourse as seen is also an essential component of totalitarianism. The transformation paid off handsomely. Japan remained uncolonized and quickly bec...
The Europe of Conspiracy Theories Based upon authorities like St. Augustine and, his concept of 'Civitas Dei' a vast conspiracy leading to what is now known as the witch trials was only detected in the later Middle Ages. Starting with Thomas Aquinas and the church's opposition to ‘philosophical’ heresy, the what late became known as the ‘Cathars’ alias Waldensians and other groups in Spain and Southern France that included also the Jews in these areas (that as Norman Cohn has demo...
Real History Of Satanism Anglo-American Satanists The best-organized Satanist forces operating presently inside the United States include the following prominent organizations: THE LUCIS TRUST This is the leading, putatively respectable Britain-based Satan cult (it worships Lucifer). The Lucis Trust, which runs the only religious chapel at the New York United Nations headquarters, The Temple of Understanding, was originaly founded as the Lucifer Trust, in London, in 1923...
Who Rules America? You already know that the news and entertainment media are biased. Now you will find out why they are biased. by the research staff of National Vanguard Books Kevin Alfred Strom, Media Director THERE IS NO GREATER POWER in the world today than that wielded by the manipulators of public opinion in America. No king or pope of old, no conquering general or high priest ever disposed of a power even remotely approaching that of the few dozen men who control Ameri...
Former Federal Prosecutor John Loftus confirms the Bush-Nazi scandal Copyright October 31. 2003 Some of our most famous American families, including the Bushes, made their fortunes from the Holocaust. Before I tell this awful story, I have to admit that I am a Democrat, but I quite like this President. He is not the sharpest tool in the shed, but he has a good heart, and the good sense not to follow in his father's footsteps. "W" has some good people around him who keep a firewall in t...