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Linking The Great Pyramid to the Human Form
Published on December 31, 2004 By geser nart In Religion
The Sacred Geometry Mysteries of Christianity
A Gematria Based Commentary on Mark and the other Gospels

And he (Jesus) said to them, "You (the 12 apostles) have been given the mystery of the Kingdom of God, but to-those, the-ones outside, everything is-given in parables ... so-that seeing, they-may-see and not perceive, and hearing, they-may-hear but not understand." (Mark 4:11-12)

This passage comes from Mark's version of the parable of the Sower. Mark hinted there was a hidden meaning (a mystery) to this and his other parables. For over 1900 years now, we have all been "outsiders" to the "mysteries" of Christianity by only seeing a literal interpretation of every gospel story we read or hear. With the publication of this book, everyone can know "the mysteries of the Kingdom of God!"

And he was saying to them ... See what you hear! ... By what measure you measure, it will be measured to you! (Mark 4:24)

The word "See" in the above verse is mistranslated in virtually every bible into a colloquial warning such as "pay attention to what you hear." The Greek word blepete however, is a command to "see." Biblical scholars reasoned no one can see words you hear! So instead of translating the word literally they translated it to what they thought Mark meant. The fundamentalist agenda of most biblical scholars and an ignorance of gematria and sacred geometry don't allow them to see Mark's play on words because there is a way to literally see the words if you do what the verse says:

1) measure the "number value" of the words and names in a story,
2) measure (plot) those values to a special graph (shown below),
3) the stories become visible! (they are measured out to you!)

This site will give you a preview of my two volume webbook about early Christian Sacred Geometry and the opportunity to buy it. Volume 1, titled Jesus 8880 - The Sacred Geometry Mysteries of Christianity will will demonstrate that every major gospel story is a Sacred Geometry riddle with a beautiful Sacred Geometry solution that proclaims the "raised Jesus"! The "mysteries" of Christianity are revealed in its gospel stories! Volume 2, titled Revelation 2368 - The Sacred Geometry Mysteries of the Book of Revelation will show how the Book of Revelation used a more advanced and sophisticated style of Sacred Geometry to satirize Jesus Christ and Christianity. This book is a new cutting-edge interpretation of the New Testament!

The New Testament contains 27 books consisting of 21 epistles, four Gospels, a book of Acts, and the Book of Revelation. All 27 books were written in the Greek language. Of the 27 books, only the four Gospels claim to be an eyewitness account of the actual words and acts of the living Jesus while the Book of Revelation claims to be an eyewitness vision of the actual words of the raised Jesus. The common denominator of the four Gospels, the Book of Revelation, and many of the epistles is the autonomous claim that they contain "mysteries." So, what does that mean? What is "a Christian Mystery?" From Euclid to Saint John, the ancient Greeks "wrote the book" when it came to Geometry and Christianity! This site will give you an initiation into the almost lost mysteries of Greek Isopsephia, Gematria, and Sacred Geometry which were all made possible by the amazing properties of the Greek alphabet.

The Mystery of the Greek alphabet

The Greek alphabet was invented almost one thousand years before the birth of Christ. At the time it was invented, every one of the 24 letters in the Greek alphabet represented a number as well as a sound. The first eight letters represent units (the "0" power of "10"), the second eight letters represent tens, (the first power of "10"), the third eight letters represent hundreds, (the second power of "10").

The 8-8-8 structure of the table holding the letters of the Greek alphabet is directly related to the name "Jesus" which will be explained shortly. Since every name and word in the Greek language had a corresponding numerical value, words could be expressed as numbers and numbers could be expressed as words. This made the Greek alphabet a public cipher and immediately encouraged two numerical superstitions called ISOPSEPHIA and GEMATRIA. The total of all the numbers in the Greek alphabet is "3999."

Isopsephia Mysteries

Isopsephia (iso meaning "equal" and psephos meaning pebble") is the Greek word for the practice of adding up the number values of the letters in a word to form a single number. The early Greeks used pebbles arranged in patterns to learn arithmetic and geometry. A Greek synonym for the word "pebbles" is kalkuli and is the origin of the word "calculate."

Here is an example of an isopsephia riddle that can be found in pseudo-Callisthenes' biography of Alexander the Great. On the occasion of his ordering the Egyptian city of Alexandria to be built, a God appeared to Alexander in a dream and gave him this oracle:

The city of Alexandria that you are building will be coveted by the world and I shall be its protecting deity for all time to come. You shall dwell there when you are dead and living for this city will be your grave. I shall quickly prove to you where you were meant to be. Take two hundred and add one, then one hundred and add one, then four times twenty, and ten, and take the first number and make it the last. Now learn for all time what god I am.

The Life of Alexander, circa 3rd century AD

Alexander allegedly solved the riddle by writing down the string of numbers given to him in the dream (200 + 1 + 100 + 1 + 80 + 10 + 200) and then switching each number for its corresponding Greek letter to spell out the name Sarapis (SARAPIS). Like so many ancient historiographies, the story was a fabrication because the god Sarapis didn't exist when Alexander was living. Sarapis was created by order of Ptolomy (Alexander's successor) so that the new god would share the attributes of two Egyptian gods (Osiris and Apis) and two Greek gods (Apollo and Zeus) for the purpose of uniting the religious beliefs of the Greek ruling class with its Egyptian subjects.

Here is an example of an isopsephia riddle taken from the Christian Sybyllines which the early Church claimed were written before the time of Christianity and which were widely touted as prophesies of the new religion:

When the virgin shall give birth to the-word of God the Most High, she shall give to the-word a name, and from the east a star will shine in the midst of day gleaming down from heaven above proclaiming to mortal men a great sign. Yes, then shall the son of the great God come to men, clothed in flesh like mortals on earth. Four vowels he has ... and twofold the consonants in him ... and now I will declare to you the whole number ... eight monads, and to these as many decads, and eight hundreds his name will show.

The Sybylline Oracles, circa 150 AD

To solve the riddle, the son of God has to have a name with four vowels which is transparent in meaning. The word "twofold" however is a mini riddle because many people think "twofold" refers back to the number of vowels. If that is true, the mysterious name must have twelve letters ...eight consonants and four vowels. It is interesting to note that the average value of the twelve Greek letters is the "whole number 74" (more on that later). The other possibility is that "twofold" refers to the number of consonants which means the name has six letters. The final constraint is that the number of his name must be "888" (8 + 80 + 800). The answer is that the word twofold actually refers to the number of consonants because the Greek name Iesous has four vowels I, E, O, U and one consonant ... the letter S ... which appears "twofold" times ... and all six Greek letters now add up to "888." Amazingly, the whole number "74" is the common factor of all the names and titles of Jesus! See table below.

Jesus = IhsouV = 10+8+200+70+400+200 = 888

Gematria Mysteries

The word "gematria" is mistakenly equated with the word "isopsephia" but gematria is actually a higher level of isopsephia. The word "gematria" comes from the Greek word geometria having the dual meaning "earth-measure" and "geometry." Gematria is Sacred Geometry. The definition of gematria goes way beyond adding up the numerical values of the letters in a word or pointing out that the-number of one word, phrase or verse is the same as or 2, 3, 4, 6, or 10 times more than the-number of another word or name. Gematria is the union of the number value of Greek words with the dimensions of geometric objects such as the perimeters of circles and squares or the lengths of symmetrical groups of lines that converge on circles and squares. The power and mystery of gematria is only unleashed when it is used in conjunction with geometry, graphs, and/or diagrams.

Jesus, a circle of Life

Jesus 888 and 8880 equal LIFE ... Bios (282) and Zoe (815)

Here is an example of a wonderful gematria riddle that ends the gospel of John:

These things are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that through this belief you may have life in his name

(the gospel of John 20:31, circa 90-125 AD).

This verse implies that if you believe in Jesus he will give you "eternal life." Although the word "eternal" was never written, that was a fine point that is supposed to be understood by the believer. The verse has a very literal interpretation if one knows that gematria deals with isopsephia and geometry. The solution is to represent Jesus as a circle with the same circumference as the number value of his name. The early Christian Sacred Geometers called a circle with a circumference of 888 units "the living Jesus" because the diameter of his circle is 282 units, which is the gematria value of the Greek word bios (BioV), meaning "earthly life." Conversely, the raised Jesus has a value of 8880 units and an inscribed Star of David in that circle has sides of 815 units which is the gematria value of the Greek word zoe (Zwh), also meaning "Life." The above diagram also explains why Jesus came from the "House of David."

The Mystery of the "Raised Jesus"
(888 x 10) = 8880

This may seem incredible: nobody in modern times before the publication of this book has ever recognized that the gematria value of key words such as "fishes," "loaves," "the net," the "sun," and the names "Jesus," "John the Baptist," "Simon Peter," the collective names of his twelve apostles are all linked to each other through very simple geometric ratios based on "the number" of the name "Jesus" raised by a power of ten to the number "8880." Matthew, Mark, and John used this geometric relationship extensively in their gospels! All the "mysteries" of Christianity are based on the metaphor of the raised Jesus (8880). Some striking examples are shown in the table below (browse the site to see the Greek spellings and more examples of gematria)

Name or Title

Gematria Value

Common Factor 74




74 x 12

888 x 10 = 8880



74 x 20

1480 x 6 = 8880

John the Baptist


74 x 30

2220 x 4 = 8880

Son of Man


74 x 40

2960 x 3 = 8880

The raised Jesus


74 x 120

8880 x 1 = 8880

Since the Greek practices of isopsephia and gematria were a well known fact before the first gospel was written, why does it seem incredible to think that the authors of the gospels did not use this pre-existing knowledge in their writings in order to glorify Jesus Christ? The Mystery Religions of ancient Greece used isopsephia and Sacred Geometry (gematria) long before Christianity arrived on the scene. The most important message of Christianity is that Jesus rose from the dead and the authors of the gospels made a geometric metaphor out of that claim by "raising" his living value (888) by a factor of 10 and then making a circle with a circumference of 8880 units to depict the "raised Jesus." Enclosing the "raised Jesus" inside a square creates a graph which is a metaphor for "the Kingdom of God." Circles representing the gematria values of the "living" Jesus, his apostles, and other characters can then be graphically depicted inside the "Kingdom" or "Jesus Graph."

Virtually every story of Jesus in the Gospel of Mark involves a series of diagrams using this graph of the raised Jesus. The evidence for this theory can be seen in the diagrams formed from the gematria value of the verses in every single major gospel story! Volume 1 of this book will demonstrate how the authors of the gospels incorporated gematria and sacred geometry riddles in their stories about Jesus Christ. Volume 2 of the book will demonstrate how the auther of the Book of Revelation used the same "raised Jesus graph" as the gospels but employed a style of gematria that was far more advanced and sophisticated.

Sacred Geometry Bible Study Publications
The Sacred Geometry Mysteries of Jesus Christ
Vol 1: The Gospels ... www.jesus8880.com
Vol 2: The Book of Revelation ... www.revelation2368.com
Copyright © 1998-2004 Daniel Gleason, all rights reserved

The Hesperids picking the forbidden Fruit for Hercules. A serpent is seen guarding the sacred tree in the Garden of Hera.

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