J.M. Keynes vs C.H. Douglas 4470. Mr Keynes: Is it not probable that those of us who are criticising are not inclined to accept the inherent difficulty which you develop in paragraph 16 of your Memorandum. You divide payments there into A and B payments. Douglas: Yes 4471. Mr. Keynes: The cost of production to the manufacturer is A plus B. Of that A goes to the public and is spent by them on manufactured goods, but B goes elsewhere? Douglas: Yes 4472. Mr. Keynes: Where else d...
Magic Square A magic square is a square array of numbers consisting of the distinct positive integers 1, 2, ..., arranged such that the sum of the n numbers in any horizontal, vertical, or main diagonal line is always the same number (Kraitchik 1952, p. 142; Andrews 1960, p. 1; Gardner 1961, p. 130; Madachy 1979, p. 84; Benson and Jacobi 1981, p. 3; Ball and Coxeter 1987, p. 193), known as the magic constant. A magic square is a square array of numbers consisting of the dist...
The World of Free Energy By Peter Lindemann, D.Sc. March 1, 2001 In the late 1880's, trade journals in the electrical sciences were predicting "free electricity" in the near future. Incredible discoveries about the nature of electricity were becoming common place. Nikola Tesla was demonstrating "wireless lighting" and other wonders associated with high frequency currents. There was an excitement about the future like never before. Within 20 years, there would be automobiles, airplan...
Archaeological Cover-ups: A Plot to Control History? by Will Hart The scientific establishment tends to reject, suppress or ignore evidence that conflicts with accepted theories, while denigrating or persecuting the messenger. THE BRAIN POLICE" AND "THE BIG LIE Any time you allege a conspiracy is a foot, especially in the field of science, you are treading on thin ice. We tend to be very sceptical about conspiracies--unless the Mafia or some Muslim radicals are behind the allege...
A geometrical ensemble to generate the squaring of the circle Dr.-Ing. Helmut Sander Hauffstrasse 28 34125 Kassel, Germany The purely geometrical squaring of the circle with straightedge and compass is possible only within the tolerance of an approximation . But knowing the value of the irrational number pi of the circle ( p = 3,14159265 ... ), it is possible to transform it as a line or rather as a shape of a circle or a square. The number of the shape of a circle is ...
Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity As Rudolf Steiner's Final “Riddle of Philosophy Tom Mellett “Insofar as man considers himself within the world of natural things and events, he will find it impossible to escape the conclusions of [Einstein's] theory of relativity. But if he does not want to lose himself in mere relativities, in what may be called an impotence of his inner life, if he wants to experience his own entity, he must not seek what is 'substantial in itself' in the re...
Philosophy and Science of Music in Ancient Greece: The Predecessors of Pythagoras and their Contribution Graham Pont 41 Forbes Street Newtown, NSW 2042 AUSTRAILA INTRODUCTION One of the ironies of twentieth-century thought is that the final dethronement of Pythagoras as a 'father' of western science and philosophy and the 'inventor' of music and mathematics should be accompanied by a world-wide revival of Pythagorean research and speculation. During the seventeenth century, the '...
Johannes Kepler and the Music of the Spheres by David Plant "The heavenly motions ... are nothing but a continuous song for several voices , perceived not by the ear but by the intellect , a figured music which sets landmarks in the immeasurable flow of time." John Banville:Kepler, (Minerva 1990) Kepler's Background Johannes Kepler was born on 6th January 1572 (NS) at Weil-der-Stadt in the German province of Swabia. His grandfather had been mayor of the town but th...
HEBREW is GREEK In 1982, a suppressed, ages-old, historical truth, was resurrected through the publication of a book by Becket Publications of Oxford, England (ISBN O 7289 0013 O). The book, published in English, and titled Hebrew is Greek , was written by lawyer, linguist and researcher, Joseph Yahuda, the son of Isaac Benjamin Ezekiel Yahuda, an ethnic Jew and longtime researcher and linguist. Though Jewish both by nationality and religion, J. Yahuda could be considered a Greek-- a...
An Ancient Hebrew Inscription in New Mexico Fact or Fraud? by James D. Tabor The standard textbook wisdom that we all learned from grade school on up is that the Americas were discovered by the Europeans either in 1492 by Columbus, or perhaps even a few hundred years earlier by the Vikings. There seems to be an aversion among the establishment historians to even consider the idea that ancient Mediterranean peoples might have traveled to the Americas in the centuries before our era....
Celtic Tree Calendar The Moon is humanity's oldest calendar. Evidence of ancient peoples keeping time by the phases of the moon have been found carved into rocks and cave walls the world over. The famous tree calendar of the Celts was such a time-keeping device, and, like other tribal cultures, the Celts found names and associations for their moon which were developed and codified over many years of ritual and experimentation. Each moon phase was assigned a corresponding tree, each tree be...
The Mysterious dying God Pre-Christian resurrected Gods An inscription in the Vatican states plainly, "He who will not eat of my body, nor drink of my blood, so that he may be one with me and I with him, shall not be saved." This is not terribly surprising, unless you consider that this is inscribed on the remains of the temple the Vatican was built on- one dedicated to the God Mithras. Such eerie parallels between the pronouncements of Jesus and Mithras are not the only similaritie...
The myth of the flood The Doom - the Horror of Atlantis Plato, Solon and the Egyptians Worldwide, about 600 legends revolving around inundations are known. Together, they invite the inference of a terrible catastrophe 3 000 to 10 000 years ago which might be brought into connection with the disappearance of Atlantis. If people remember such a global event then it should suffice to explore the regions both east and west of the Atlantic Ocean and find connections that fit into the...
THE ANCIENT WISDOM IN AFRICA Patrick Bowen Theosophist, August 1927 THAT Asia is the source from whence all philosophy sprang is a universally accepted belief; and that Europe is the custodian and preserver of the knowledge originated in the elder Continent will likewise be generally maintained. Few ever consider that Africa also was once the home of a learning as profound as any Asia can show; and few, if any, will believe that such learning remains alive to-day among the inhabitants ...
The History And Development Of Secret Societies In The Western Tradition - A paper by Frater Choronzon first presented on Monday 22nd October 1990 to Philos-O-Forum at Bullfrog's Cafe Bar, Greenwich It has been said that "The history of the world is the history of the warfare between Secret Societies" (Robert(s) Shea & Anton Wilson purportedly quoting one Ishmael Reed on the flyleaf of their tri-lateral masterpiece 'Illuminatus!'); it has also been said, attributably by Socrates, th...